Rutledge Ancestry

Birth Record - Bible

Birth Record - Bible
Snapshot of the bible of Foster Rutledge (b.1835).
Intended to discover the full name of A.D.K. Rutledge.
Unfortunately, it is spelled in initials only. Note also that Walter Aldrich is written "Walter A." as well.
"Byron Edward" appears to be written backwards, unsure why.

Bible is copyrighted 1857, print date unknown. Estimating 1860.
Photo date is 2 Jan 2015.(TR)
Date of Origin
2 Jan 2015
Associated People
Foster Hart "Hart" Rutledge
Edward Byron "Ned" Rutledge
Adaline K. "A.D.K." Rutledge
Walter Aldrich "W. A." Rutledge
Thomas Scott "Scott" Rutledge