Rutledge Ancestry

Robert E. "2nd Brother" Rutledge

Robert E. "2nd Brother" Rutledge
General Information
"Came from Scotland to the extreme north of Ireland (with his two brothers) and bought an estate together in the County Cavan, Barony of Talahah, Parish of Templeport, Land of Bellomagirl, date unknown."
- Chronicles of the Clark Family, Vol. 1 (1882)

1761 Poll Book for County Cavan gives middle initial "E". One can clearly see the abbreviated "Robt" with period under the "t", and then a capital E is scribed in, as if to clarify which Robert this is. This would have been necessary since the names were repeated.

1830 Land Deed (attached):
Edward Rutledge, with son Thomas, sells all property in Ballymagirril to a Thomas Johnston, in April 1830. The deed says the property was formerly occupied by Edward's father "Robert Rutledge, deceased". We know, based on other land records from the 1820s in Ballymagirril, that there were very few Rutledge landowners.

Full name is assumed (by me) to be "Robert Edward Rutledge", as the Chronicles has his only son named Edward, a name which is repeated frequently.
[TR 9 Nov 2015 and 31 Mar 2016]
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